A very wealthy man once gave me this secret about making money: It’s all about the problems you solve. The tips below will be some of the simplest, yet most effective piece of free advice about money you will ever get.
In simple terms—Business is not about your product or service but really about the customer’s problem that you solve so it is important you focus on that. Now that you are focused on solving problems, let’s look at some ways that you can find problems to solve for other people.
Job postings – believe it or not this is one of the easiest ways to find problems to solve. Tons of companies and entrepreneurs have job postings looking for freelance or part time professional help two of the sites that the TLTurnerGroup uses are Angellist.co, and Upwork.com.
Create social media ads and boost them – for a very small amount of money and a very little effort you can record a 60 second video on your cell phone talking about a skill that you have and how you can help others. We did a video like this and put $10 in ads which got over 900 views and 2 clients that contacted us to use our services.
Survey your network – believe it or not there are a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners in your network that need someone with your skill set. If you have a LinkedIn page just search for entrepreneurs/business owners and you might be surprised with what you find.
So, there you have it three very simple ways to find people and businesses that are looking for someone with your skill set to solve problems that they are willing to pay you for.
Remember: Your Skills + Solving Other’s Problems= Money Making